16 research outputs found

    Trust-a cornerstone in trade: the economic universe of the Iganga maize traders in Uganda

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    Serotype-specific mortality from invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae disease revisited

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    BACKGROUND: Invasive infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococci) causes significant morbidity and mortality. Case series and experimental data have shown that the capsular serotype is involved in the pathogenesis and a determinant of disease outcome. METHODS: Retrospective review of 464 cases of invasive disease among adults diagnosed between 1990 and 2001. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis. RESULTS: After adjustment for other markers of disease severity, we found that infection with serotype 3 was associated with an increased relative risk (RR) of death of 2.54 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.22–5.27), whereas infection with serotype 1 was associated with a decreased risk of death (RR 0.23 (95% CI, 0.06–0.97)). Additionally, older age, relative leucopenia and relative hypothermia were independent predictors of mortality. CONCLUSION: Our study shows that capsular serotypes independently influenced the outcome from invasive pneumococcal disease. The limitations of the current polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine warrant the development of alternative vaccines. We suggest that the virulence of pneumococcal serotypes should be considered in the design of novel vaccines

    Can group-based reassuring information alter low back pain behavior? A cluster-randomized controlled trial?

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    Background Low back pain (LBP) is common in the population and multifactorial in nature, often involving negative consequences. Reassuring information to improve coping is recommended for reducing the negative consequences of LBP. Adding a simple non-threatening explanation for the pain (temporary muscular dysfunction) has been successful at altering beliefs and behavior when delivered with other intervention elements. This study investigates the isolated effect of this specific information on future occupational behavior outcomes when delivered to the workforce. Design A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Methods Publically employed workers (n=505) from 11 Danish municipality centers were randomized at center-level (cluster) to either intervention (two 1-hour group-based talks at the workplace) or control. The talks provided reassuring information together with a simple non-threatening explanation for LBP - the ‘functional-disturbance’-model. Data collections took place monthly over a 1-year period using text message tracking (SMS). Primary outcomes were self-reported days of cutting down usual activities and work participation. Secondary outcomes were self-reported back beliefs, work ability, number of healthcare visits, bothersomeness, restricted activity, use of pain medication, and sadness/depression. Results There was no between-group difference in the development of LBP during follow-up. Cumulative logistic regression analyses showed no between-group difference on days of cutting down activities, but increased odds for more days of work participation in the intervention group (OR=1.83 95% CI: 1.08-3.12). Furthermore, the intervention group was more likely to report: higher work ability, reduced visits to healthcare professionals, lower bothersomeness, lower levels of sadness/depression, and positive back beliefs. Conclusion Reassuring information involving a simple non-threatening explanation for LBP significantly increased the odds for days of work participation and higher work ability among workers who went on to experience LBP during the 12-month follow-up. Our results confirm the potential for public-health education for LBP, and add to the discussion of simple versus multidisciplinary interventions

    Prolonged half-life and preserved enzymatic properties of factor IX selectively PEGylated on native N-glycans in the activation peptide

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    Current management of hemophilia B entails multiple weekly infusions of factor IX (FIX) to prevent bleeding episodes. In an attempt to make a longer acting recombinant FIX (rFIX), we have explored a new releasable protraction concept using the native N-glycans in the activation peptide as sites for attachment of polyethylene glycol (PEG). Release of the activation peptide by physiologic activators converted glycoPEGylated rFIX (N9-GP) to native rFIXa and proceeded with normal kinetics for FXIa, while the Km for activation by FVIIa-tissue factor (TF) was increased by 2-fold. Consistent with minimal perturbation of rFIX by the attached PEG, N9-GP retained 73%-100% specific activity in plasma and whole-blood-based assays and showed efficacy comparable with rFIX in stopping acute bleeds in hemophilia B mice. In animal models N9-GP exhibited up to 2-fold increased in vivo recovery and a markedly prolonged half-life in mini-pig (76 hours) and hemophilia B dog (113 hours) compared with rFIX (16 hours). The extended circulation time of N9-GP was reflected in prolonged correction of coagulation parameters in hemophilia B dog and duration of effect in hemophilia B mice. Collectively, these results suggest that N9-GP has the potential to offer efficacious prophylactic and acute treatment of hemophilia B patients at a reduced dosing frequency. (Blood. 2011; 118(8): 2333-2341